Monday, July 27, 2009

Which makes hair grow faster leaving hair down or braid ??

Hair grows at the same rate no matter wich you do. oily fish and raw jelly are good for hair growth also hanging your head upside down. braiding helps to keep the hair in soft and shinny condition.

Which makes hair grow faster leaving hair down or braid ??

Hair does grow more if it is braided or constantly put in a ponytail daily. If you for example have short hair at the top of your head everyday do a ponytail or have your hair braided specifically in that area and it will cause faster growth. I know from experience with my hair and with my niece. Report It

Which makes hair grow faster leaving hair down or braid ?? will grow regardless of however you put it!

Which makes hair grow faster leaving hair down or braid ??

Neither its what you eat that makes hair grow longer faster. Oily fish is really good for this.

Which makes hair grow faster leaving hair down or braid ??

it does not matter how you put your hair up it grows at the same pace what ever you do!

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