Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

Yea..so i was just braiding her hair and such stuff until I found a strand and the top was black but then midway it was white......and I don't think its normal for a 12 year old to have gray hairs already...so right now she's freaking out and serious answers would be greatly appreaciated...thank you..

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

they happen all the time. it doesn't mean she'll go pre-maturely grey or anything. just a lack of pigment in the specific strand.

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

hmmmmmm, ask taylor hicks.

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

Dye it black

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

I'm 14 1/2 and I used to find a grey like every other month. For some reason I think its part of the whole growing process.

Good luck!

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

One hair? Gray can also be a color. I would hazard to guess that your sister is an ash-blonde. Ashblondes have a grayish undertone to their hair. When I was in my early teens I used a product called "sun-in" to lighten my hair. It ALL turned gray. (I am an ash-blonde.) I would guess that your ash-blonde sister has had a bit of her hair lightened by either the sun or chlorine in a pool. It's nothing to be alarmed by.

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

When I was in 7th grade I went to school with a kid who had multiple gray hairs, so it is not that unusual. Unfortunately that is something that she is going to have to deal with.

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

well i've seen it sometimes thats just how people hair grows i had a friend back in h.s who had salt and pepper hair by the age of 14 so i'd say dont worry about its just a part of life

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

I have a friend that had about 7 grey hairs when she was thirteen, but her hair is still black today and she doesn't dye it. I don't think that it is serious- everyone is different.

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

same thing happened to me at that age, and i keep getting them. :(

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

i got my first one at 21. and I read somewhere in a magazine article that somebody had grey hair at 17.

It could be hereditary. If it is just one, pluck it.

I found a gray hair on my sister's head?!?

When I was in second grade my aunt was braiding my hair and she found a blonde hair in my head! She shouldn't freak you only get that once in a while. It's probably from the routes. Tell her i said not to worry it will go away.


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